Monday, April 28, 2014

Students in Texas must study Government......huh?!?!

It is almost the end of my Texas State and Local Government course, so I am going to talk something about the Texas Education Agency which makes me study this course in ACC.
The Texas Education Code §51.301 states that students who study in public community college or university in Texas must take 6 credit hours of government or policy course in order to graduate. I think most students do not want to take those courses if it is not required because it is kind of boring or wasting time to study something not related to their major. But for me, although I would not take it either as it is quite complicated for me to study the government of a foreign country, I still think that it is a good policy to force students to have a brief understanding in it, for it benefits the United States to become a better country. For example, since the American president is voted by the residents, so if the voters do not have any knowledge of the government or background information of the candidates and the parties, they will not be able to make the most educated and informed decisions in regard to their vote. Therefore, although it is just a brief introduction to the United States government, I think that it is better than nothing for us to know more about the country that we are living in.

1 comment:

Claudio Flores said...

What Garry forgets in “Students in Texas must study Government ......huh?!?!” is that, as a natural born Texan, we are forced to learn everything about this state and then some. Growing up in Texas the K-12 education system I already knew most of these things. There are certain specifics that were new to me taking this ACC course but teachers could have taught this material my junior or senior year. I personally find it as a waste of time because it gets very repetitive and makes my interest drive down to zero. There should have been a mandatory debate class dealing with Texas government and policies instead of the 6+ Texas history and government classes I had to go through.

There are better alternatives or options than forcing students to learn about a specific subject. I love Texas, as much as the next guy, but seriously the classes are so bad in K-12 it’s not even funny.

I do believe it is important that students learn about how their state and government functions, but if it’s going to be done then it better be done right.